Photographing Big Corporate Events

By Allen McEachern.

Photographing large, multi-day corporate events is something I truly love to do. The combination of all the moving parts that make these events so amazing also offer a lot of visual stimulation and inspiration for me. Large scale production - lights, sound, sets, talented and interesting speakers, access to industry leaders, creative spaces, other production teams, tons of people, networking, movement, working as a team, 12+ hour days, working closely with clients, sending images to media in almost real time, seeing your work live beyond the event, capturing a moment, sculpting a message...all of this without loosing site of why I am create strong, clean, visually engaging creative content to help my client market, promote, share, sell, and explain. Do you attend large corporate events? What are your thoughts and experiences? Below are a few of my favourite images from events I photographed in 2016.